Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2014 (published: 09.12.2014)

Number 4(19)

Home > Issue > Simulation of highly integrated corporations: From neoclassicism to neoinstitutionalism

UDC 330.1

Simulation of highly integrated corporations: From neoclassicism to neoinstitutionalism

Kiryanov I.V.

Abstract. In the presentation the author explores the fundamental possibility of simulation of highly integrated economic structures. As the object simulation them through a sequence of reasoning is selected, the Corporation as the most studied and accessible in terms of the availability of public information structure. The General approach for considering the possibility of constructing models and formation of the General concept of the methodological approach is based on the consecutive consideration of the neoclassical model of the company and its transformation into the wider neoinstitutional. The evolutionary transition from the neoclassical approach to non-institutional in the author's opinion helps to ensure the highest quality outcome, both from the point of view of the methodology of scientific research, and the verification and falsification of the obtained models, and test them on the validity of the results. A distinctive feature of the proposed approach is not contrasting theoretical assumptions of neo-classical and new institutionalism, but consideration of those in their natural relationships and evolutionary complement each other.

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Keywords: сorporation, cost, high integration, system, utility value, neoclassical, neoinstitutionalism.

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