About the issue
December 2014 (published: 09.12.2014)
Number 4(19)
The theoretical basis of innovative development of Russian corporations
Dorzhieva E.L.
Abstract. In modern conditions of global competition priority for the Russian economy is the transition on the path of innovative development.. Important role in this process is played by large corporations, which, with its considerable resources are favorable platform for innovation, facilitate the transition of the Russian economy on the path of innovative economic growth. Innovations and innovative activities allow corporations to move production to a new level, but to achieve success in competition is not enough to have only technological superiority, not less important are innovations in the management of the Corporation. Identify the types of innovations that can make the Corporation to improve production efficiency and product competitiveness, requires a complex multicriteria classification of innovations. To understand methods of innovation management and research capabilities of various spheres and their application in industrial Corporation is the author of the generalized classification of innovations.
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Keywords: innovations, innovative activity, Corporation, management.
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The theoretical basis of innovative development of Russian corporations
Abstract. In modern conditions of global competition priority for the Russian economy is the transition on the path of innovative development.. Important role in this process is played by large corporations, which, with its considerable resources are favorable platform for innovation, facilitate the transition of the Russian economy on the path of innovative economic growth. Innovations and innovative activities allow corporations to move production to a new level, but to achieve success in competition is not enough to have only technological superiority, not less important are innovations in the management of the Corporation. Identify the types of innovations that can make the Corporation to improve production efficiency and product competitiveness, requires a complex multicriteria classification of innovations. To understand methods of innovation management and research capabilities of various spheres and their application in industrial Corporation is the author of the generalized classification of innovations.
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Keywords: innovations, innovative activity, Corporation, management.