Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2014 (published: 09.12.2014)

Number 4(19)

Home > Issue > Development of imitating models of development of system of retail trade city district Samara

UDC 366.1

Development of imitating models of development of system of retail trade city district Samara

Chertykovtsev V.K. , Grigoryants I. A. , Bobkova E.Y.

Abstract. The article presents data on the current state of retail in Samara city. The authors conclude chaotic development of shopping areas, excluding the real need for them. Based on official statistics of Samara city and relying on federal legislation in this area, the authors suggest methods of calculation of availability of shopping areas for the foreseeable future. The authors analyze the population of Samara, the retail trade turnover in Samara for a few years, socio-economic indicators of living standards, such as minimum wage, the average monthly wage, real wages in percent to the previous period, on the basis of which developed a linear mathematical model. These models allow to predict the change of these indicators for the period ahead. On the basis of these forecasts it is possible to calculate the needs of Samara in the trade area. This will allow you to determine the strategy of development of retail trade of Samara.

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Keywords: methodology, algorithm, shopping areas, Samara city, the prediction, model, the object of trade.

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