About the issue
2014 (published: 15.09.2014)
Number 3(18)
To the question of scenario management of enterprise products promotion
Lochan S.A. , Fedyunin A.I.
Abstract. The article presents the basics of scenario management of products promotion, including: concepts and categorical apparatus, key features, matrix and forms of alternative scenarios. Are the basic components of the model scenario career management products, as well as the advantages and non-delivery of the four approaches to promote the products of enterprise scenarios.
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Keywords: scenario management, promotion, products, enterprise.
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UDC 332.146.2
To the question of scenario management of enterprise products promotion
Abstract. The article presents the basics of scenario management of products promotion, including: concepts and categorical apparatus, key features, matrix and forms of alternative scenarios. Are the basic components of the model scenario career management products, as well as the advantages and non-delivery of the four approaches to promote the products of enterprise scenarios.
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Keywords: scenario management, promotion, products, enterprise.