Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2014 (published: 15.09.2014)

Number 3(18)

Home > Issue > Dilemma of Partnership in Business

UDC 338.22

Dilemma of Partnership in Business

Kovalenko B.B.

Abstract. The author explores the basic characteristics of entrepreneurial activities; is carrying out a comparative analysis of characteristics of the individual or business creation through the Organization of entrepreneurial teams. The author analyses the motivations that guide business creators and organizers of the commands; supports the hypothesis of education commands based on the integration of personal networks of individuals in the social networking community of individuals, which you can combine general objectives of teamwork; considering the possible criteria for the selection of potential team members who can join the founders of a new business. The author believes that the idea of a team of businessmen in ob″ediniâ can be carried out on the basis of the principles of rational selection of participants or specialization of interpersonal relations. These approaches can be implemented in practice. But, it should be understood that creating commands is complex and risky. Have to choose: create trust or competence, retain control over the company or to the risk of losing control of completeness.

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Keywords: entrepreneurial team, team building, personal and social network motifs involving the team competence.

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