Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2014 (published: 15.09.2014)

Number 3(18)

Home > Issue > The formation of the system of key indicators of efficiency and the problem of evaluation of activity of employees of scientific - research laboratories in industry

UDC 331.225.3

The formation of the system of key indicators of efficiency and the problem of evaluation of activity of employees of scientific - research laboratories in industry

Davidovsky F.N.

Abstract. The article contains results of the author's research, the aim of which is development and introduction of the system of bonuses and material encouragement of employees of scientific - research laboratories of industrial enterprises. In the course of the study revealed the shortcomings of the current system of bonuses at the industrial enterprises: the absence of a system of evaluation of employee performance and motivation for the achieved results, the prevalence of methods of bonuses on the basis of "mutual agreements", the low level of interest of employees in the results of work. To address the problem of low efficiency of the staff proposed a method of assessing results of work of employees on the basis of an assessment on key performance indicators by the analysis of the content of the executable goals, objectives and functions, as well as individual business qualities. Formed through the build system of such indicators, depending on the homogeneity of the executable functionality in the framework of different positions. Designed scale correction factors prize depending on the achieved results. The approbation of the reward system, the ways of raising the efficiency of labor of employees of scientific - research laboratories.

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Keywords: system of remuneration and material incentives, the system of premium performance, the method of structuring goals and objectives, standards of education of the premium Fund, criteria and principles of selection of premium performance, motivation, performance evaluation of structural divisions.

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