Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2022 (published: 14.03.2022)

Number 1(48)

Home > Issue


The systematic approach as a key methodological approache for researching of the phenomenon of the Russian economy in the context of transformation Zueva O.A., Zuev R.S.

pp. 3-15

Raising funds by issuing bonds: is it profitable for the company to be «green»? Karginova-Gubinova V.V.

pp. 16-24

Comparative Analysis of National Systems of Bank Deposit Insurance in the Countries of the European Union, Great Britain, the USA and Russia Koroleva L.A. , Aleksandrova A.I.

pp. 25-36

Assessment of the effectiveness of social investment and the impact on the rating of the sustainability of companies' development Murmylo Y.D.

pp. 37-44

Arctic shelf: topical economicproblems of hydrocarbon field development Razmanova S.V., Nesterova O.V.

pp. 45-54

Limitations as a characteristic of insurance products formed in response to the epidemiological situation Stepanova M.N., Morozova M.S.

pp. 55-62

Statistical analysis of the development of innovative activities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Shubin M.A.

pp. 63-70

Development of an innovative educational project in the field of additional professional education Vorobeva A.A.

pp. 71-83

Assessment of the environmental competitiveness of Russian fuel generating companies Ivakhnik D.E.

pp. 84-99

Disadvantages of the lending procedure Kolesnikov A.M. , Posnaya E.А. , Zima Yu.A.

pp. 100-104

Assessment of the effectiveness of Russia's tax policy for economic development Nikiforov A.A., Nikiforova V.D.

pp. 105-111


Educational resources of environmental management in the context of talent management Bogdanova O.N. , Fridman M.F.

pp. 112-119

Opportunities for assessing the quality of mass consumption products based on digital approaches Kholyavin I.I. , Orlov P.K.

pp. 120-125

Analysis of the methods of external and internal environmental management of organizations, ways to minimize greenwashing Elena Pavlova, Druzhinina A.R. , Ivanov D.S.

pp. 126-133

Problems of formation and growth of the liquefied natural gas market Selezneva M.A. , Gagulina N.L.

pp. 134-141

The impact of digital transformation on the intellectual capital of the innovation and industrial cluster Alekseeva N.S. , Klochkova A.V.

pp. 142-149

Modern factors of growth of the Russian economy Leonidova E.G.

pp. 150-157

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