Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2021 (published: 19.05.2021)

Number 2(45)

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Prediction scenario of the knowledge-based economy development in Kazakhstan Dnishev F.M. , Alzhanova F.G. , Andreeva G.M.

pp. 3-8

Assessment of the level of innovation in Russian organizations related to various types of activities Pinkovetskaia I.S.

pp. 9-16

Innovations of informatization systems of economic entities Zhityaeva O.I.

pp. 17-22

Technological risk analysis of financial innovations Sergeeva I.G., Ali H.M.

pp. 23-29

HR-branding development in the conditions of the business digitalization Budrin A. G. , Soldatova A.V. , Emtcova M.G.

pp. 30-36

Entrepreneurship as Organizational Form of Public Activities Litau E.Y.

pp. 37-46

Estimation of transport security in the North-Western Federal District Lebedeva N.A.

pp. 47-54

Ecological approach to strategic management of personnel support of innovative breakthrough in the conditions of transformation of the economic environment Fridman M.F.

pp. 55-61

The algorithm of interaction with the consumer in the beauty industry based on the digital footprint in the framework of improving the quality management system Medvedeva O.E. , Tsyvareva O.P.

pp. 62-72

New normality in the Socio-economic life of Russia after the coronovirus pandemic Nikiforova V.D., Nikiforov A.A.

pp. 73-78

The essence and role of BI systems in the modern economy Tsukanova Olga A, Yarskaya A.A.

pp. 79-85

Innovative development analysis of russia: position, problems, prospects Silakova L.V., Grigoriev E.A.

pp. 86-96

The influence of digital technologies on the formation of competitive advantages of the real and financial sectors of the Russian economy Zueva O.A., Zuev R.S.

pp. 97-106

Management. Environmental management

Modern innovative solutions aimed at improving the ecological and economic situation in St. Petersburg Elena Pavlova, Sangalova E.D. , Kanunnikova K.I.

pp. 107-115

SWOT-analysis as an analysis tool of academic staff training for improvement strategy development Kharlamova J. O. , Schegoleva S.A. , Shkarina T.Yu.

pp. 116-124

Knowledge management and corporate culture as a tool to enhance the competitiveness of a company Aleksandrova A.I. , Pastukhova A.D.

pp. 125-133

ERP-systems As a Strategic Management Tool Klochkova A.V., Orlova O.P.

pp. 134-142

Analysis of the service market and its impact on the quality management of professional training Vasilenok V.L., Ivanova A.O. , Ignatieva T.A. , Pilyavsky V.P.

pp. 143-152

Strategic aspects of economic management Vetrova E.N., Bogachev V.F.

pp. 153-160

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