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2014 (published: 16.03.2014)
Number 1(16)
Home > Issue > Teaching technologies selection as one of the most important factors in education management
Kondrashova N.V.
Nowadays in the field of higher education there exist a lot of different approaches to teaching. New methods and techniques appear and old, forgotten ones revive. Communicative language teaching is considered to be the most common method. The competence approach is thought to be the most suitable at higher school. It helps the student to acquire not only some knowledge and skills but various competences. Activity, problem solving, games and simulations, context methods selected in the course of the research can be widely used in foreign language teaching at higher institutions. They optimize the teaching process stimulating students’ learning activity and transferring it into out-of- school activity. The selection of the most suitable teaching methodology is of prime importance. When defining the teaching strategies for every foreign language learning aspect it is necessary to take into consideration its goals, subject discipline and the character of the skills formed. Highly organized teaching seems not to be a consistent implementation of one ‘trendy’ approach but the optimum set of techniques adequate to its goals.
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Keywords: education management, teaching technology, method, activity, problem solving, game and simulation, context teaching.
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UDC 811.112.2
Teaching technologies selection as one of the most important factors in education management
Nowadays in the field of higher education there exist a lot of different approaches to teaching. New methods and techniques appear and old, forgotten ones revive. Communicative language teaching is considered to be the most common method. The competence approach is thought to be the most suitable at higher school. It helps the student to acquire not only some knowledge and skills but various competences. Activity, problem solving, games and simulations, context methods selected in the course of the research can be widely used in foreign language teaching at higher institutions. They optimize the teaching process stimulating students’ learning activity and transferring it into out-of- school activity. The selection of the most suitable teaching methodology is of prime importance. When defining the teaching strategies for every foreign language learning aspect it is necessary to take into consideration its goals, subject discipline and the character of the skills formed. Highly organized teaching seems not to be a consistent implementation of one ‘trendy’ approach but the optimum set of techniques adequate to its goals.
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Keywords: education management, teaching technology, method, activity, problem solving, game and simulation, context teaching.