About the issue
SEPTEMBER 2011 (published: 01.09.2011)
Number 2(9)
Financial risks of Russian energy companies
Frolov V.N.
Abstract. Financial risk management is one of the most prior tasks for the company. To manage financial risks more efficiently companies have to identify and classify financial risks. There is analysis of financial risks by the example of the largest Russian energy companies. The importance of different financial risks for companies is reasoned in the study.
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Keywords: financial risks, rate risk, currency risk, inflation risk
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Financial risks of Russian energy companies
Abstract. Financial risk management is one of the most prior tasks for the company. To manage financial risks more efficiently companies have to identify and classify financial risks. There is analysis of financial risks by the example of the largest Russian energy companies. The importance of different financial risks for companies is reasoned in the study.
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Keywords: financial risks, rate risk, currency risk, inflation risk