About the issue
SEPTEMBER 2011 (published: 01.09.2011)
Number 2(9)
Calculation the cost effectiveness of using pulsed abrasive processing of food materials
Головацкий В.А.
Abstract. Currently, the effectiveness of the processes occurring in the industry, expressed by the ratio of useful outcomes for the spent resursam.V this paper shows the calculation of economic efficiency in the case of new work of impulsive action in ovoscheochistitelnyh machines.
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Keywords: economic efficiency, abrasion, impact impulse
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UDC 664.02.
Calculation the cost effectiveness of using pulsed abrasive processing of food materials
Abstract. Currently, the effectiveness of the processes occurring in the industry, expressed by the ratio of useful outcomes for the spent resursam.V this paper shows the calculation of economic efficiency in the case of new work of impulsive action in ovoscheochistitelnyh machines.
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Keywords: economic efficiency, abrasion, impact impulse