Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
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March 2025 (published: 04.03.2025)

Number 1(60)

Home > Issue > Artificial intelligence as an actual tool of educational process quality management in modern universities

UDC 330.341

Artificial intelligence as an actual tool of educational process quality management in modern universities

Gavrilyuk E.S. , Izotova A.G. , Bikmulina T.N.

Article in Russian
Reference for citation: Gavrilyuk E.S., Izotova A.G., Bikmulina T.N. Artificial intelligence as an actual tool of educational process quality management in modern universities. Scientific journal NRU ITMO. Series «Economics and Environmental Management». 2025. № 1. Р. 91–100. DOI: 10.17586/2310-1172-2025-18-1-91-100.

Abstract. The rapid development of digital technologies (DT) and artificial intelligence (AI) has led to the need for changes in management in the educational process, since their spontaneous spread and uncontrolled application can lead to a negative transformation of the academic environment and reduce the level of professional competencies of university graduates. The article considers the impact of AI on the academic environment, analyzes its advantages and challenges, and considers successful implementation practices. The aim of the study is to comprehensively analyze the impact of AI technologies on educational processes and administrative management functions of a higher education institution. The object of the study is modern AI technologies used in higher education institutions, and the subject is their impact on learning, teaching and management of the educational process. In the course of the research the following were used: analysis of scientific publications, comparative analysis of practices of implemented technologies, statistical analysis of data on the impact of AI on the educational process. Examples of successful implementation of AI in foreign and domestic universities, including chatbots, adaptive educational platforms and intelligent learning systems were considered. Special attention is paid to ethical aspects and challenges of AI implementation, such as personal data protection, algorithmic bias and possible changes in the role of the teacher. As a result of the study, the main directions of AI application in higher education are highlighted, including personalization of learning, automated knowledge verification, prediction of students' progress, as well as support of administrative processes. Thus, the article is not about prohibitions and limitations of AI in education, but about its constructive and positive application as a relevant tool for improving quality management, ensuring the transformation of modern higher education in the world of modern technologies.

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Keywords: artificial intelligence, educational technologies, academic environment, adaptive learning, digital transformation of higher education, personalized learning, online education.


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DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2025-18-1-91-100

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