Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
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March 2025 (published: 04.03.2025)

Number 1(60)

Home > Issue > Peculiarities of risk management in production pharmaceutical companies

UDC 330.161

Peculiarities of risk management in production pharmaceutical companies

Safronova Zh.S. , Brazevich D.S. , Vasilenok V.L.

Article in Russian
Reference for citation: Safronova Zh.S., Brazevich D.S., Vasilenok V.L. Peculiarities of risk management in production pharmaceutical companies. Scientific journal NRU ITMO. Series «Economics and Environmental Management». 2025. № 1. Р. 81–90. DOI: 10.17586/2310-1172-2025-18-1-81-90.

Abstract. The subject of the study is risk management of pharmaceutical manufacturing companies. The goal is to identify the peculiarities of risk management in pharmaceutical manufacturing companies. The study included a scientific and theoretical analysis of the concept of "risk management", revealed the ambiguity of interpretations and the uniqueness of approaches to this definition. It is substantiated that a flexible risk management strategy allows companies to continuously improve their processes, increase their competitiveness and attractiveness in the market. Based on a systematic approach, the main stages of risk management are formulated and supplemented. The features of the functioning of pharmaceutical manufacturing companies are shown, consisting in strict regulation of activities, subordination to industry standards, involvement in knowledge-intensive processes of development and production of medicinal products, implying various types of risks. It is emphasized that risk management of pharmaceutical manufacturing companies is included in the licensing requirements and is one of the main conditions of activity. In the course of the study, the methodological foundations of risk management of pharmaceutical companies were analyzed and the specifics of risk management were determined. Conclusions are made about the lack of attention of management to risk management, the lack of specialists in this area, fragmented risk management, etc.

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Keywords: risk, risk management, pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, medicines, quality, criteria, industry standards, methods.


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DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2025-18-1-81-90

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