About the issue
March 2025 (published: 04.03.2025)
Number 1(60)
Methodology for structural transformation of the Arctic zone economy
Afanasieva N.V. , Bogachev V.F.
, Mikulenok A.S.
Keywords: Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF), organizational management structure, ISO standards, quality management system, digital technologies, artificial intelligence.
Acknowledgement: Статья подготовлена в соответствии с государственным заданием ФГБУН Института проблем региональной экономики РАН по теме: «Разработка теоретико-методологических положений научно-технологического развития экономики на основе инновационной динамики и формирование механизмов ее реализации в регионах» FMCS-2024-0001 №124011600045-8
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UDC 332.05
Methodology for structural transformation of the Arctic zone economy
Article in
Reference for citation: Afanasieva N.V., Bogachev V.F., Mikulenok A.S. Methodology for structural transformation of the Arctic zone economy. Scientific journal NRU ITMO. Series «Economics and Environmental Management». 2025. № 1. Р. 3–11. DOI: 10.17586/2310-1172-2025-18-1-3-11.
Abstract. The article substantiates the feasibility and timeliness of carrying out a structural transformation of the economy based on the using the international standards methodology of quality management systems (QMS), widely used in the world practice of forming organizational management structures. An assessment of the scientific development degree for the problem of forming an effective mechanism for transforming the economic management structure of spatial systems indicates that this problem is especially relevant at the present time. The purpose of the study is to develop the theoretical foundations for reforming the economic management structure and identifying trends and patterns of the economy structural transformation. The scientific hypothesis is that the process of economic transformation should begin with reforming the management structure as its most important element. The object of study is the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF), which, having a number of specific features, is an ideal testing ground for economic experiments. The study used theoretical and empirical methods, including methods of simulation modeling, forecasting, as well as methods of expert assessments and. Authors developed an interregional management mechanism based on the implementation of quality management system (QMS) management standards based on an analysis of the main stages of preparation and implementation of a number of major projects for restructuring management systems and recommendations for the Development Department of the Russian Arctic and the implementation of infrastructure projects of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and Arctic.
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Reference for citation: Afanasieva N.V., Bogachev V.F., Mikulenok A.S. Methodology for structural transformation of the Arctic zone economy. Scientific journal NRU ITMO. Series «Economics and Environmental Management». 2025. № 1. Р. 3–11. DOI: 10.17586/2310-1172-2025-18-1-3-11.
Abstract. The article substantiates the feasibility and timeliness of carrying out a structural transformation of the economy based on the using the international standards methodology of quality management systems (QMS), widely used in the world practice of forming organizational management structures. An assessment of the scientific development degree for the problem of forming an effective mechanism for transforming the economic management structure of spatial systems indicates that this problem is especially relevant at the present time. The purpose of the study is to develop the theoretical foundations for reforming the economic management structure and identifying trends and patterns of the economy structural transformation. The scientific hypothesis is that the process of economic transformation should begin with reforming the management structure as its most important element. The object of study is the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF), which, having a number of specific features, is an ideal testing ground for economic experiments. The study used theoretical and empirical methods, including methods of simulation modeling, forecasting, as well as methods of expert assessments and. Authors developed an interregional management mechanism based on the implementation of quality management system (QMS) management standards based on an analysis of the main stages of preparation and implementation of a number of major projects for restructuring management systems and recommendations for the Development Department of the Russian Arctic and the implementation of infrastructure projects of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and Arctic.
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Keywords: Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF), organizational management structure, ISO standards, quality management system, digital technologies, artificial intelligence.
Acknowledgement: Статья подготовлена в соответствии с государственным заданием ФГБУН Института проблем региональной экономики РАН по теме: «Разработка теоретико-методологических положений научно-технологического развития экономики на основе инновационной динамики и формирование механизмов ее реализации в регионах» FMCS-2024-0001 №124011600045-8
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DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2025-18-1-3-11