Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
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March 2024 (published: 04.03.2024)

Number 1(56)

Home > Issue > Monitoring the quality of regional economic growth: methodological aspects and implementation

UDC 330.31

Monitoring the quality of regional economic growth: methodological aspects and implementation

Sidorov M.A

Abstract. The article presents the results of the development of a methodological approach to monitoring the quality of regional economic growth. A meaningful analysis of the concept of "monitoring the quality of economic growth" is carried out. An algorithm for monitoring the quality of economic growth in the regions is presented, within its framework a comprehensive set of indicators is proposed to characterize the quality of economic growth in the regions. The basis for complementing the existing resource and structural methodological approaches to the quality of economic growth were subjective assessments of the heads of enterprises in the manufacturing sector of the North-West of Russia, characteristics of the position of the regions of the district in the value chains, as well as an assessment of the qualitative characteristics of the standard of living of the population. Within the framework of testing the development of methodological approaches to monitoring the quality of economic growth, the indicators of the quality of economic growth in the regions of the North-West of Russia are analyzed. It is concluded that the indicators proposed for the supplement make it possible to form a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the specifics of socio-economic transformations in specific regions. The purpose of the study is to improve the methodological approach to monitoring the quality of economic growth. The information base was the works of domestic and foreign authors in the field of socio-economic monitoring, data from Rosstat, as well as the results of a survey of managers of enterprises in the manufacturing sector of the North-West of Russia conducted by the National Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The scientific novelty of the work consists in improving the monitoring of the quality of economic growth by supplementing the structural and resource approaches to the selection of indicators for assessing the quality of economic growth with indicators of regional involvement in the value chain and a set of indicators of living standards.

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Keywords: region, economy, monitoring of socio-economic development, analysis, quality of economic growth, monitoring, economic growth, territory.

Acknowledgement: Статья подготовлена в соответствии с государственным заданием для ФГБУН ВолНЦ РАН по теме НИР № FMGZ-2022-0012 «Факторы и методы устойчивого социально-экономического развития территориальных систем в изменяющихся условиях внешней и внутренней среды»


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DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2024-17-1-3-21

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