Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2023 (published: 07.12.2023)

Number 4(55)

Home > Issue > Development of environmentally focused entrepreneurial projects in the context of digital transformation

UDC 330.341

Development of environmentally focused entrepreneurial projects in the context of digital transformation

Litau E.Y. , Sologub A.N.

Abstract. The article addresses the matters of the development and management of modern entrepreneurial projects in the context of digital transformation. The study presents a comparative analysis of the changes in the quantity and value orientations of market-leading unicorn companies from 2021 to 2023. The research highlights a noteworthy increase in ethically oriented initiatives, specifically those directed towards promoting societal well-being. Environmental projects emerge prominently among these endeavors, contributing significantly to the preservation and sustainable development of the environment. The data indicate a deepening integration of green aesthetics into everyday life, reflecting a broader trend towards the incorporation of "bio" principles across various aspects, including interpersonal relationships. Consequently, the universal human consciousness appears to be ready to embrace "e-ideas" encompassing ecology, ethics, and esthetics within the context of economic development, which, in turn, indicates the maturity of economic entities. The study establishes that the management and development of the analyzed projects are based on digital transformation, the outcomes of which lead to, inter alia, the creation of additional ethical value for goods. This additional value serves as a crucial competitive advantage for market leaders, which contributes to the establishment of the modern humanistic entrepreneurship theory and has a significant impact on the promotion of sustainable development ideas. The advancement of environmental projects is made possible through the application of innovative methods in the management of digital assets. Such a strategy plays an important role in shaping not only the future metaverse but also acts as a catalyst for "creative destruction," thereby starting the processes for realizing the concept of global coevolution as the sole viable paradigm for innovative entrepreneurship. These processes result in a conceptual shift in the understanding of social action, wherein entrepreneurs, in the course of project management, must account for the multidirectional vectors of value orientations. The recognition of the limitations that pursuing solely economic objectives can give, coupled with the expansion of motives for entrepreneurial behavior into the "boundless ethics" contribute to the implementation of the most promising market strategy.

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Keywords: entrepreneurial project management, market leaders, unicorns, ethical markup, additional ethical value, digital transformation, project activities, environmental economics, development of modern entrepreneurial structures, innovative management, sustainable development

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2023-16-4-46-56

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