Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
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Maalla M., Bezzateev S.V.
Enhancing attribute-based access control with Ethereum and ZK-SNARK technologies

Maalla M., Bezzateev S.V.
Enhancing attribute-based access control with Ethereum and ZK-SNARK technologies

Article in English
Reference for citation: Korobeynikov A. G. Application of BIG DATA methods for INTERMAGNET data preprocessing. Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2023. Vol. 66, N 7. P. 533—538 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2023-66-7-533-538.

Abstract. The optical properties of the components (plasma, spermatozoa, protein and a solution after protein isolation from plasma) of a series of 24 ejaculate samples according to spermatograms in normal and with oligozoospermia were studied by Fourier IR spectroscopy. The analysis of the complex of spectral data obtained for a series of samples of the "norm" category showed in 50% of cases the presence of pronounced pathology in the optical properties of ejaculate, plasma and sperm. For the remaining 50% of the samples, the presence of spermatozoa of satisfactory quality in terms of material composition (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates) was noted with already well-marked signs of pathology in the ejaculate and plasma. A comparative analysis of their optical properties made it possible to note that the absence of clearly defined Amide-I and Amide-II bands in the spectra and the presence of peptide bands in the 1593–1572 cm-1 region is a stable sign of an existing or incipient pathology. Samples of the oligozoospermia category are quite well identified by the spectra of the cellular part of the ejaculate. The results of the study may be useful in modernizing clinical techniques and diagnostic approaches to the problem of male fertility.

Keywords: biomaterials; spermatogenesis; oligoospermia; ejaculate; Fourier infrared spectroscopy

Acknowledgement: Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований в рамках научного проекта (грант № 19-08-00865 А).


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