About the issue
June 2023 (published: 31.05.2023)
Number 2(53)
Environmental management in the enterprise development management system:
current trends
Kostylev I.A. , Yashalova N.N.
Abstract. There is a need for the effective functioning of the environmental management system when the impact of the economic activities of enterprises on the environment is increasing. A systematic solution of environmental and economic issues helps to reduce the anthropogenic impact on nature, which will further ensure the sustainable development of enterprises. The subject of the study is the factors that determine the components of environmental management. The purpose of this study is to analyze the formation and further development of approaches in the field of environmental management. The object of research is environmental management. The following methods are used in the work: induction, analysis, synthesis. The article discusses the formation of environmental management, the current state and trends of its development, taking into account new environmental trends («green» economy, low-carbon development, ESG-transformation). Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the concept of «environmental management». The significant and growing impact of ESG transformation, low-carbon business strategy, green economy and sustainable development factors on the financial and economic activities of enterprises is determined. The paper considers the possible impact of the tools of the «green» economy and low-carbon development on the financial and environmental activities of production, it identifies the factors of information openness of the enterprise in the field of sustainable development, which have the greatest impact on organizations in various sectors of the economy. The result of this study is the clarification of the concept of «environmental management», taking into account modern approaches in the field of environmental management. The paper demonstrates the possible positive impact of the introduction of environmental management on the economic activity of an enterprise by transforming environmental prohibitions into new points of growth, and also identifies potential risks of new environmental trends.
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Keywords: environmental management, enterprise, management, «green» economy, ESG factors, low-carbon development, sustainable development
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UDC 330.32
Environmental management in the enterprise development management system:
current trends
Abstract. There is a need for the effective functioning of the environmental management system when the impact of the economic activities of enterprises on the environment is increasing. A systematic solution of environmental and economic issues helps to reduce the anthropogenic impact on nature, which will further ensure the sustainable development of enterprises. The subject of the study is the factors that determine the components of environmental management. The purpose of this study is to analyze the formation and further development of approaches in the field of environmental management. The object of research is environmental management. The following methods are used in the work: induction, analysis, synthesis. The article discusses the formation of environmental management, the current state and trends of its development, taking into account new environmental trends («green» economy, low-carbon development, ESG-transformation). Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the concept of «environmental management». The significant and growing impact of ESG transformation, low-carbon business strategy, green economy and sustainable development factors on the financial and economic activities of enterprises is determined. The paper considers the possible impact of the tools of the «green» economy and low-carbon development on the financial and environmental activities of production, it identifies the factors of information openness of the enterprise in the field of sustainable development, which have the greatest impact on organizations in various sectors of the economy. The result of this study is the clarification of the concept of «environmental management», taking into account modern approaches in the field of environmental management. The paper demonstrates the possible positive impact of the introduction of environmental management on the economic activity of an enterprise by transforming environmental prohibitions into new points of growth, and also identifies potential risks of new environmental trends.
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Keywords: environmental management, enterprise, management, «green» economy, ESG factors, low-carbon development, sustainable development
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2023-16-2-113-121