Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2022 (published: 27.09.2022)

Number 3(50)

Home > Issue > Priorities of sustainable development in the agricultural sector of the economy

UDC 336.2; 631

Priorities of sustainable development in the agricultural sector of the economy

Chernov V.A.

The agricultural sector integrates three key areas: animal husbandry, agriculture and chemical production of fertilizers, which determine the dynamism and quality of sustainable development of the agricultural sector and on which the quality of human life, health, longevity, and food security depend. Currently, the contradictions between the needs of the population for healthy food, the chemical industry, animal husbandry and its environmental consequences, the problems of increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and reducing oxygen by industrial production, the problems of climate change are becoming more acute. In this regard, there is a need for more rational approaches to the choice of priority directions for the development of the constituent productions of the agricultural industry in matters of financing. To justify the choice of financial priorities in the agricultural sector, studies of the environmental consequences of agro-industrial production are necessary. Therefore, this study comprehensively covers the areas of agricultural production and their financial regulation. Some researchers and representatives of the agrochemical business are trying to lay the main blame for the adverse environmental consequences in agriculture on animal husbandry, and propose a reduction in the number of cattle, motivating this with a humane attitude to animals, the need to reduce methane emissions into the atmosphere with the activation of plant protein production. This article examines how justified and justified such a point of view is in a comprehensive and systematic consideration of the relationship between animal husbandry, crop production, agrochemical business in the ratio of technologies of natural agriculture and chemical substitutes. The author gives organizational proposals in the production of organic fertilizers, recommendations in the field of financial policy, in the legislative sphere, contributing to solving the problems of sustainable development of the agricultural industry. The ways of reducing the methane content in the atmosphere are considered with the help of: natural "runoff", capturing methane emissions from the main sources, activating the release of oxygen by environmentally friendly plants grown with natural organic fertilizers – as the most important by-product of animal husbandry.
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Keywords: fertilizers, food protein production, soil fertility, chemical pollution, environmental consequences, organic farming, animal husbandry, sustainable development, financial policy, natural methane runoff, oxygen replenishment.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2022-17-3-97-109

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