Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2022 (published: 27.05.2022)

Number 2(49)

Home > Issue > The concept of industrial symbiosis: experience of application in various countries and prospects for implementation in Russia on the example of the Pskov region

UDC 338.054.23

The concept of industrial symbiosis: experience of application in various countries and prospects for implementation in Russia on the example of the Pskov region

Daria Mironova, Timokhovich I.V. , Pomazkova E.E. , Zharkova Yu.V.

Abstract. The widespread use of the linear model of production and consumption leads to the problem that humanity exceeds the consumption of resources by 50% compared to the resources that the planet can regenerate. As a result, the markets become more and more unstable, the prices for raw materials increase. Repeated use of the same material as a raw material will help minimize the economic damage to the environment. National, regional and local authorities in various countries are increasingly aware of the need to initiate and implement innovations in order to develop industrial symbiosis. However, the concept of industrial symbiosis has received little political attention, although it may have great potential to promote the circular economy and achieve higher resource efficiency in industry. The article analyzes the most successful world experience in the functioning of industrial symbioses. The transition to the principles of a circular economy in Europe can lead to significant resource savings and the creation of new jobs. In Russia, in the case of a transition to a circular economy, a comparable positive environmental and economic effect can be expected. For the sustainable development of the regions of the Russian Federation, the authors of the article propose to apply the concept of industrial symbiosis in one of the regions - the Pskov region. Through the implementation of the project on the formation of symbiotic chains between enterprises of various industries (agro-industrial complex, woodworking industry, plastic production), it is planned to increase the efficiency of production; optimize energy costs and material and resource flows of enterprises; reduce the ecological burden on the environment; reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon footprint.

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Keywords: industrial symbiosis, circular economy, industrial ecology, economic efficiency, waste, resources.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2022-16-2-129-141

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