Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
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June 2022 (published: 27.05.2022)

Number 2(49)

Home > Issue > Analysis of the activities of credit institutions based on balanced indicators in order to identifyviolations

UDC 338.2

Analysis of the activities of credit institutions based on balanced indicators in order to identifyviolations

Makarova O.N., Novopashina A.V. , Martynenko O.V. , Sultygova M.B.

Abstract. The banking sector is one of the most vulnerable components of the financial system, asitis characterized by high riskiness, since each banking operation creates certain risks for a credit institution. Emerging risks can lead to various losses, which negativeely affects the financial stability of the bank. The object of the study is social relation sarising in connection with the commission of crimes in the sphere of credit and financial activities. In the process of conducting the study, methods of research and scientific knowledge were used: analysis, analogy, synthesis and grouping, comparison method. The analysis method all owe dustoconsiderin detail the various credit institutions, namely the irkey in dicators that characterize the efficiency and performance of all elements of the bank system. The comparison method made itpossible to compare the value sofindicators for 2019 and 2021 in order tostudy the dynamic sofchange sin the situation that took place in the banking sector before and after the introduction of restrictive measures dueto the pandemic. In the course of the study, the level of criminalization in the financial sector was analyzed, base don’t the methods of a simpli fied system of balanced score card sand liquidityratios, credit organizations were analyzed, in particular the irefficiency and financial stability, the coordinated work of all elements of the bankin order to conduct a high-risk credit policy, as well as recommendations were developed opminimize off enses in the bankin gsector.

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Keywords: banking sector, credit organization, offenses, balanced scorecards, analysis.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2022-16-2-84-93

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