About the issue
March 2022 (published: 14.03.2022)
Number 1(48)
Modern factors of growth of the Russian economy
Leonidova E.G.
Abstract. The modern Russian economy, functioning in conditions of high uncertainty due to geo-economic and geopolitical turbulence, is distinguished by the absence of significant dynamics of its growth rates. This actualizes the need for new driving forces that ensure economic dynamics. The article analyzes the modern sources of growth of the Russian economy, increasing its stability before fluctuations in the global conjuncture. The task of identifying new sources of development is particularly acute for raw material regions. These include the North-Western Federal District– an industrially developed macro-region specializing in the export of energy resources, which makes it dependent on the situation on world markets. Based on the analysis of statistical data reflecting the socio-economic development of the region over the past decades, it is determined that its economy needs to update and modernize the industrial sector and increase its production volumes, strengthen the innovative component of enterprises, and increase investment. The results of the study allowed us to determine that the development of the subjects of the North-Western Federal District will be facilitated by a balanced economic policy aimed at a qualitative change in the structure of the economy, its deindustrialization and modernization, increasing the innovativeness and competitiveness of all sectors of the national economy, the level of income of the population, the development of interregional value chains. The research is based on the work of domestic and foreign scientists involved in ensuring economic growth and development of territories. General scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization were used as the methodological basis of the study.
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Keywords: Northwestern Federal District, growth factors, region, economy.
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UDC 338.45
Modern factors of growth of the Russian economy
Abstract. The modern Russian economy, functioning in conditions of high uncertainty due to geo-economic and geopolitical turbulence, is distinguished by the absence of significant dynamics of its growth rates. This actualizes the need for new driving forces that ensure economic dynamics. The article analyzes the modern sources of growth of the Russian economy, increasing its stability before fluctuations in the global conjuncture. The task of identifying new sources of development is particularly acute for raw material regions. These include the North-Western Federal District– an industrially developed macro-region specializing in the export of energy resources, which makes it dependent on the situation on world markets. Based on the analysis of statistical data reflecting the socio-economic development of the region over the past decades, it is determined that its economy needs to update and modernize the industrial sector and increase its production volumes, strengthen the innovative component of enterprises, and increase investment. The results of the study allowed us to determine that the development of the subjects of the North-Western Federal District will be facilitated by a balanced economic policy aimed at a qualitative change in the structure of the economy, its deindustrialization and modernization, increasing the innovativeness and competitiveness of all sectors of the national economy, the level of income of the population, the development of interregional value chains. The research is based on the work of domestic and foreign scientists involved in ensuring economic growth and development of territories. General scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization were used as the methodological basis of the study.
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Keywords: Northwestern Federal District, growth factors, region, economy.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2022-15-1-150-157