Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2020 (published: 28.09.2020)

Number 3(42)

Home > Issue > Methodology for enterprise managing business processes within the framework of a quality management system

UDC 658.56

Methodology for enterprise managing business processes within the framework of a quality management system

Martynenko O.V. , Kochegarova T.S., Kalendarov F. , Portnyagin O.B.

Abstract. The article presents and describes the methodology for enterprise managing business processes, which is intended to be used including within the framework of an implemented or already existing quality management system. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in modern realities, the approach to enterprise management based on business processes is the most promising, since it allows you to achieve a significant advantage and significantly increase the efficiency of the entire enterprise by ensuring transparency, understanding and clear delineation of responsibility for each performer of business processes. Process management is primarily aimed at timely improvement and optimization of business processes in accordance with the company's policy and goals, including those aimed at improving the quality of products, which is characterized as a key factor in the success of any company. The proposed method allows you to formulate business processes of the enterprise, organize the work of selected processes, determine the scheme of their interaction, analyze the functioning of business processes based on the assessment of their effectiveness and efficiency, as well as improve the quality of the order of execution and results of processes. The methodology describes in detail all the necessary actions to ensure effective management of business processes. The above methodology is mainly aimed at creating conditions for effective control, evaluation and analysis of enterprise processes, which allows them to be adjusted and improved in a timely manner to ensure the production of quality products. In addition, this method takes into account the requirements of ISO 9000 series standards, and therefore can be used by domestic enterprises as a methodological basis for organizing process management. The main principle of the quality management system-continuous improvement – is laid down in the basis of the proposed methodology for managing business processes of the enterprise.

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Keywords: business process, quality, process management, management system, effectiveness, efficiency.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2020-13-3-133-143

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