Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2020 (published: 19.06.2020)

Number 2(41)

Home > Issue > On the Essence of Public Goods in the Digital Economy

UDC 330.123

On the Essence of Public Goods in the Digital Economy

Vakhitova L.R. , Kudryavtseva K.V.

Abstract. The spread of digital technologies affects a wide range of economic processes and phenomena. Thus, digitalization raises new questions about the nature of public goods. The purpose of the paper is to consider the essential aspects of the concept of public goods in the digital age. The object of research is the process of integration of public and digital goods. The article shows that transformational processes occurring in the economy have an impact on the definition of the concept of "public good". The increasing role and importance of digital goods is crucial in this sense. The paper considers the relationship between the concepts of "digital good" and "public good". The paper also considers trends in the transformation of the role of the state as a provider of public goods. The digital age is characterized by the increasing importance of many digital and non-digital public goods. Along with the possibility of creating digital public goods by users connected to the Internet, there is also a question about the role of the state. At the same time, the prerequisites for expanding the participation of the non-governmental sector in the supply of public goods in the digital economy are growing. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of the Internet as a global public good. The article specifies the role of the state as an agent whose responsibility is to ensure the solution of the problem of the digital divide within and between countries, and to develop policies to address the problems of negative externalities of digital public goods.

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Keywords: public good, public sector, digital economy, digitalization, pure public good, mixed good

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2020-13-2-213-218

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