Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2020 (published: 19.06.2020)

Number 2(41)

Home > Issue > SWOT analysis in economic security monitoring of a corporation (by the example of Gazprom)

UDC 338.45

SWOT analysis in economic security monitoring of a corporation (by the example of Gazprom)

Kalyadina R.A. , Safiullin A.R.

Abstract. It becomes an increasingly urgent problem to ensure economic security and achieve goals for modern corporations in the global economy in the context of growing organizational and technical complexity and a changing environment that creates new risks and threats. Success in solving these problems depends on adaptation to the environment and prevention of risks and threats. The economic security management of a corporation will be more effective if this process is reproducible, systematic and strategic, and also relies on constant monitoring of threats in the internal and external environment. SWOT analysis of business activities is an important element of economic security monitoring of a corporation. The aim of this work is to study threats and their prevention capabilities through a SWOT analysis as an element of economic security monitoring of Gazprom, as well as on the basis of a correlation analysis of a SWOT matrix and a comprehensive analysis of opportunities and threats, taking into account the identified strengths of the corporation. The greatest risk to the economic security of Gazprom is a combination of corporate weaknesses with potential threats to it. To solve the problems corresponding to economic security is necessary to direct the largest amount of company resources, to carry out constant monitoring and control of the internal and external environment. Strengths combined with opportunities can minimize any risks facing the company and carry out the most effective activities. The combination of strengths with threats also reduces risks or their impact on Gazprom. The interaction of weaknesses and opportunities forces the company to conduct its business in conditions of risk, which does not reveal the potential of the company. A SWOT analysis of Gazprom’s business activities allows us to identify the organization’s strengths and weaknesses, strategic opportunities and threats, which is the basis for determining the potential and real risks of the company in all areas of its activity.

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Keywords: economic security, risk, threat, SWOT analysis, Gazprom

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2020-13-2-152-159

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