Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2020 (published: 19.06.2020)

Number 2(41)

Home > Issue > Reasons for Business Recovery after the pandemic COVID-19

UDC 330.35.01; 338.46

Reasons for Business Recovery after the pandemic COVID-19

Shapiro N.A.

The subject of this study is the problem of economic recovery after the pandemic-covid-19. The purpose of the study is to show a qualitative difference between the causes of the crisis caused by the viral pandemic and the crises associated with political, economic and financial reasons that took place in the XX-XXI cen-turies. The difference in causes entails fundamental differences in the means of ensuring recovery growth. Using the method of evolutionary constructivism, the article considers two of the most well-known con-cepts of recovery growth in the history of the 20th century in Russia: the concept of Groman V. and the concept of Gaidar E. It is concluded that the problem was considered in the coordinates, firstly, of restor-ing the lost level of well-being, and, secondly, through various options for the interaction of planned and market instruments. The proposed strategies for economic recovery in the post-pandemic period discuss the problem in the same context. The author of the article is critical of the proposed solutions. But, since the end of the covid-19 pandemic is at this stage only a subject of forecast, and there is no way to provide representative statistics that could serve as evidence in favor of an alternative opinion, the article gives logical arguments. It has been suggested that the basis for recovery growth after the covid-19 pandemic will be those segments of the business that managed to survive during the collapse of the global economy by the coronavirus pandemic. Observations show that the remaining segments are industries and enter-prises that have been able to develop on the basis of ICT and the digital economy. Immersion in the digi-talization process allows you to build a business on contactless communications, which is crucial for con-ditions in which contact communications are a source of life-threatening viral diseases. In mass produc-tion, digital should become the predominant type of technology, since only they can change the nature of the interaction of economic entities. Consequently, government regulation strategies should be aimed not only at restoring lost percent of GDP, but at a qualitative change in the technical basis of production, which reduces contact communications and builds up fundamentally new forms of interaction in the econ-omy and business.
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Keywords: recovery growth, covid-19 pandemic, crisis, recession, sanctions, anti-fragility, communications, digitali-zation, business.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2020-13-2-58-64

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