Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2020 (published: 19.06.2020)

Number 2(41)

Home > Issue > Government support for improving living facilities and its impact on reducing non-monetary poverty

UDC 338.22.021.2

Government support for improving living facilities and its impact on reducing non-monetary poverty

Kormishkina L. A. , Koroleva L.P.

Abstract. The object of research is causal link of indicators, that allow us to estimate level of household property deprivation, and government expenditures (including tax) on improving living facilities. The goal of research is to assess the effectiveness and sufficiency of government support for purchasing and constructing houses in the fight against non-monetary poverty. Such kind of estimation is based on analysis of its influence on indicators of needs to improve living facilities, that show property deprivation as part of non-monetary poverty. Methods of research are general scientific research methods; economic and statistical analyses of dynamic series of quantitative households indicators; correlation and line-regression analyses of indicators of needs to improve living facilities (dependent variable) and financial sources of purchasing and constructing houses with government support (independent variable) in 2008-2018. Three equations of paired linear regression have been constructed with the maternal capital used for improving living facilities and the property deduction for personal income tax as predictors, estimated the significance of these equations (determination coefficient, F-statistic, average approximation error) and their coefficients (Student's t-test, p-value). The resulting equations were shown to accurately represent the relationship between the criterion variables and predictors. The author makes a conclusion that government support for improving living facilities is effective, but insufficient in the fight against non-monetary poverty. Obtained results prove the arguments in favor of the need to improve the assessing system for the level of the population’s needs to improve living facilities in the implementation of state support measures, and the procedure for its provision, primarily in terms of its increasing and compliance with the principle of fairness.

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Keywords: non-monetary poverty, property deprivation, improvement of housing conditions, maternity capital, families with children, housing loans, mortgage loans, property tax deduction.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2020-13-2-11-22

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