About the issue
March 2020 (published: 04.03.2020)
Number 1(40)
Digitalization as a tool of planetary globalization
Kruglov V.V. , Nikiforova V.D., Nikiforov A.A.
Abstract. The article analyzes the controversial issues of the relationship between globalization and digitalization of the economy, which have an impact on national and world economies. The whole history of mankind testifies to the transition to new forms of knowledge and technological changes associated with the expansion of the digital space and the world of numerical values. The diversity of views on the content and nature of the impact of these phenomena on the socio-economic system of the state strengthen the discussion of the problem under consideration, which becomes particularly relevant in the transition to Industry 4.0, Society 5.0. It can be expected that as the expansion of the use of digital technologies together with the formation of appropriate infrastructure will become more global, there will be an "erosion" of the powers of national States focused on digital development in the organization of socio-economic life of their citizens and economic entities. Caution in assessing the challenges and threats associated with the digitalization and globalization of the economy is of particular importance for developing countries, which are taking a catch-up position with respect to developed countries. Based on the analysis of the factors constraining the processes of digital transformation in Russia, the possibilities of connecting national business structures to the formation of more complex value chains are determined. Retrospective analysis and systematic approach to the study of the impact of digital technologies on economic growth on a global scale allowed to reveal the issues of combination of models and rates of socio-technological renewal in the global and national economies. The theoretical understanding of the processes of global digitalization was made from the position of qualitative analysis of changes in the socio-economic system of a globalizing society. For successful implementation of the national program of formation of high-tech and digital economy the importance of Russia has acquired tax and other indirect forms of state support for the introduction of digital technology in companies, creating national software products, information security and networking products, management of digital clusters value chain, etc.
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Keywords: globalization, digitalization, socio-economic transformation, dynamics of economic development.
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UDC 330.3; 339.9
Digitalization as a tool of planetary globalization
Abstract. The article analyzes the controversial issues of the relationship between globalization and digitalization of the economy, which have an impact on national and world economies. The whole history of mankind testifies to the transition to new forms of knowledge and technological changes associated with the expansion of the digital space and the world of numerical values. The diversity of views on the content and nature of the impact of these phenomena on the socio-economic system of the state strengthen the discussion of the problem under consideration, which becomes particularly relevant in the transition to Industry 4.0, Society 5.0. It can be expected that as the expansion of the use of digital technologies together with the formation of appropriate infrastructure will become more global, there will be an "erosion" of the powers of national States focused on digital development in the organization of socio-economic life of their citizens and economic entities. Caution in assessing the challenges and threats associated with the digitalization and globalization of the economy is of particular importance for developing countries, which are taking a catch-up position with respect to developed countries. Based on the analysis of the factors constraining the processes of digital transformation in Russia, the possibilities of connecting national business structures to the formation of more complex value chains are determined. Retrospective analysis and systematic approach to the study of the impact of digital technologies on economic growth on a global scale allowed to reveal the issues of combination of models and rates of socio-technological renewal in the global and national economies. The theoretical understanding of the processes of global digitalization was made from the position of qualitative analysis of changes in the socio-economic system of a globalizing society. For successful implementation of the national program of formation of high-tech and digital economy the importance of Russia has acquired tax and other indirect forms of state support for the introduction of digital technology in companies, creating national software products, information security and networking products, management of digital clusters value chain, etc.
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Keywords: globalization, digitalization, socio-economic transformation, dynamics of economic development.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2020-13-1-49-54