Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
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June 2019 (published: 26.06.2019)

Number 2(37)

Home > Issue > Application of advanced methods to improve labor productivity in Russia and abroad

UDC 331.1

Application of advanced methods to improve labor productivity in Russia and abroad

Prihodko R.V., Sorokina T.S.

Abstract. Introduction: This article discusses a comparative analysis of the application of advanced methods to improve productivity in our country and in Japan, due to the fact that Japan is an exemplary country in terms of the role of man in the life of the organization. The main innovative tools to increase labor productivity indicators from the moment of training of future specialists until they reach retirement age are considered. Data and metods: Today, our country is actively developing in many respects and even has advantages in some aspects of this issue, however, in General, Russian personnel management, unfortunately, is significantly inferior to the Japanese for a number of reasons. The main drawback is the system of education and training. If in Japan educational programs are made together with the advanced companies, the modern equipment is attracted, during training modern technologies are studied, real production problems are solved, in our country educational programs in most cases are seriously outdated and do not help to solve real today's problems of production. When applying for a job in Japanese organizations, the probation period is of serious importance and allows the specialist to thoroughly study all aspects of production. In Russian organizations, probation is often a way for employers to pay lower wages during the probation period, and from a production point of view is formal. In addition, in Japan, specialists who have reached retirement age are used much more productively. They work as consultants and pass on the accumulated experience to young professionals who come to their places in the structure of the company, while in our country, specialists of retirement age to the last hold their positions in the company because of small pensions, taking jobs of young professionals. Analys of results: In our country, there are indicators in which Russia has a serious superiority over the Japanese, for example, in the development of effective training programs for specialists. In addition, in our country today, promotion often does not depend on age, leaders are young and effective managers, while in Japan the position depends on age, which is an outdated approach. In General, the innovative personnel management of our country is inferior to the Japanese, which indicates the need for reforms in many systems related to the personnel potential of our country.

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Keywords: personnel management, innovations, scouting, professional development, efficiency.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2019-12-2-171-176

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