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June 2019 (published: 26.06.2019)
Number 2(37)
Home > Issue > Research of implementation of information technologies in investment activities
Nersisian A.A. , Mishura L.G.
Introduction: In modern conditions of dynamic and continuous development, when customers' needs and desires change rapidly, only companies that are able to create, implement and use innovations and are able to adapt to the conditions, adjusting their business processes, can still remain competitive, keeping productivity on the required level. Развитие цифровой экономики способствует активному внедрению информационных технологий на предприятиях Российской Федерации. The development of the digital economy leads to the active implementation of the Information Technology in Russian Federation enterprises. The degree of usage of information technology in the country's economy is constantly increasing, as well as the volume of investments in this area. Thus, from 2014, Russian expenses on communications and information technologies increased 1,12 times and amounted to 4,8 billion US dollars [14]. Data and Methods: The article examines the process of implementing information technology in the investment activities of enterprises. The purpose of the research is to analyze domestic and foreign software products and its ability to be effectively used in the investment activities of innovative enterprises in Russia. The statistical base for the analysis of the implementation of information technologies in the Russian Federation was the data of the “Federal State Statistics Service”. Using the method of individual expert assessments, information technologies used in the investment activities of enterprises were analyzed. These enterprises are the objects of research, in particular, COMFAR and PROPSPIN from UNIDO, PROJECT EXPERT and Invest Center, created by the domestic company, Pro-Invest-IT ,TEO-Invest – development product of the team of authors of the Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alt-Invest company (St. Petersburg), and identified the advantages and significant disadvantages of the described software. Analysis of Results: The investigation revealed that one of the most important tools of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in investment activities and overcoming the problems associated with a dynamically changing external environment is the usage and creation of new information technologies that will eliminate the disadvantages of modern software products. The demand for sustainable growth in production in conditions of growing competition, the instability of the external environment in which Russian enterprises operate as a result of the integration of the country's economy into the world economy, determines the need for the wide use of new high technologies during the digitization of the economy.
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Keywords: information technology, investment activities, innovation, information systems, software.
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UDC 330.47
Research of implementation of information technologies in investment activities
Introduction: In modern conditions of dynamic and continuous development, when customers' needs and desires change rapidly, only companies that are able to create, implement and use innovations and are able to adapt to the conditions, adjusting their business processes, can still remain competitive, keeping productivity on the required level. Развитие цифровой экономики способствует активному внедрению информационных технологий на предприятиях Российской Федерации. The development of the digital economy leads to the active implementation of the Information Technology in Russian Federation enterprises. The degree of usage of information technology in the country's economy is constantly increasing, as well as the volume of investments in this area. Thus, from 2014, Russian expenses on communications and information technologies increased 1,12 times and amounted to 4,8 billion US dollars [14]. Data and Methods: The article examines the process of implementing information technology in the investment activities of enterprises. The purpose of the research is to analyze domestic and foreign software products and its ability to be effectively used in the investment activities of innovative enterprises in Russia. The statistical base for the analysis of the implementation of information technologies in the Russian Federation was the data of the “Federal State Statistics Service”. Using the method of individual expert assessments, information technologies used in the investment activities of enterprises were analyzed. These enterprises are the objects of research, in particular, COMFAR and PROPSPIN from UNIDO, PROJECT EXPERT and Invest Center, created by the domestic company, Pro-Invest-IT ,TEO-Invest – development product of the team of authors of the Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alt-Invest company (St. Petersburg), and identified the advantages and significant disadvantages of the described software. Analysis of Results: The investigation revealed that one of the most important tools of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in investment activities and overcoming the problems associated with a dynamically changing external environment is the usage and creation of new information technologies that will eliminate the disadvantages of modern software products. The demand for sustainable growth in production in conditions of growing competition, the instability of the external environment in which Russian enterprises operate as a result of the integration of the country's economy into the world economy, determines the need for the wide use of new high technologies during the digitization of the economy.
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Keywords: information technology, investment activities, innovation, information systems, software.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2019-12-2-145-153