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June 2019 (published: 26.06.2019)
Number 2(37)
Home > Issue > Digital economy as the perspective mechanism of development
Мiroshnichenko М.V. , Chudesova G.P.
Introduction: The program “digital economy” performs the function of a modern mechanism, which develops the structure of economy on the whole. New interests emerge, which are heretofore unknown as well as large amounts of opportunities to realize them, first of all, by young specialists, who tend to apply the obtained knowledge for satisfying their ambitions thereby creating a favorable environment for modern society and for the future. The analyzed process of digitalization is accompanied by a great number of menaces, the most important of which is the probability of development of large scale unemployment, which affects the middle and junior categories of specialists. No doubt, the process will start with the middle class, since the workplaces of this class will be substituted by automation and robotics. Large number of able, highly qualified persons, who are accustomed to live at a high level of life standards, will find themselves “at a roadside of Western way of life”. However, the digital world will be composed at such a rate that a lack of specialists of other specialties will be obvious. Due to this reason absolutely every person, who is ready for changes, will have time resources for preparation. Data and methods: The object of research is the digital economy of the Russian Federation. The aim of this work is to define the level of digitalization of the Russian Federation and preparation of recommendations on the development of digital economy. Aims of research: study the main reasons for digital economy development; study weak and strong sides of economy of the Russian Federation, which influence the development of digital economy; offer recommendations for elimination of barriers. Analysis of results: Based on obtained results, comparative analysis and recommendations were prepared for development of digital economy in Russia and providing for favorable conditions for Russia’s entrance to the world economy. Target-oriented and reasonable development in the analyzed direction will provide for potential for regularizing of ties of operational and technological activities of national economy with foreign digital platforms, technologies and standards as well as with the intensive introduction of virtual currencies (crypto-currencies), which is currently uncontrollable). The article offers recommendations, which will enable to more clearly understand the problems, to develop a succession of actions in politics, to provide for coordination of the actions, in order to timely apply the emerging potentialities, thereby preserving its digital autonomy (which means real autonomy as well). In the nearest future digital economy will enable to discover new potentialities in different spheres of life. In other words, the importance of digital economy is obvious, since this trend is modern and, looking at the world experience, the country has a good perspective of growth, using its strong points.
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Keywords: digital economy, economy structure, social and economic conditions, standard-legal regulation,liquidation of barriers.
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Digital economy as the perspective mechanism of development
Introduction: The program “digital economy” performs the function of a modern mechanism, which develops the structure of economy on the whole. New interests emerge, which are heretofore unknown as well as large amounts of opportunities to realize them, first of all, by young specialists, who tend to apply the obtained knowledge for satisfying their ambitions thereby creating a favorable environment for modern society and for the future. The analyzed process of digitalization is accompanied by a great number of menaces, the most important of which is the probability of development of large scale unemployment, which affects the middle and junior categories of specialists. No doubt, the process will start with the middle class, since the workplaces of this class will be substituted by automation and robotics. Large number of able, highly qualified persons, who are accustomed to live at a high level of life standards, will find themselves “at a roadside of Western way of life”. However, the digital world will be composed at such a rate that a lack of specialists of other specialties will be obvious. Due to this reason absolutely every person, who is ready for changes, will have time resources for preparation. Data and methods: The object of research is the digital economy of the Russian Federation. The aim of this work is to define the level of digitalization of the Russian Federation and preparation of recommendations on the development of digital economy. Aims of research: study the main reasons for digital economy development; study weak and strong sides of economy of the Russian Federation, which influence the development of digital economy; offer recommendations for elimination of barriers. Analysis of results: Based on obtained results, comparative analysis and recommendations were prepared for development of digital economy in Russia and providing for favorable conditions for Russia’s entrance to the world economy. Target-oriented and reasonable development in the analyzed direction will provide for potential for regularizing of ties of operational and technological activities of national economy with foreign digital platforms, technologies and standards as well as with the intensive introduction of virtual currencies (crypto-currencies), which is currently uncontrollable). The article offers recommendations, which will enable to more clearly understand the problems, to develop a succession of actions in politics, to provide for coordination of the actions, in order to timely apply the emerging potentialities, thereby preserving its digital autonomy (which means real autonomy as well). In the nearest future digital economy will enable to discover new potentialities in different spheres of life. In other words, the importance of digital economy is obvious, since this trend is modern and, looking at the world experience, the country has a good perspective of growth, using its strong points.
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Keywords: digital economy, economy structure, social and economic conditions, standard-legal regulation,liquidation of barriers.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2019-12-2-121-129