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June 2019 (published: 26.06.2019)
Number 2(37)
Home > Issue > The reasons for the separation of the real and financial sectors
of the national economy of Russia
Zueva O.A.
Introduction: At the present stage, the separation of the real and financial sectors is confirmed as in the world economy, which can cause the crisis development of the Russian economy. Thus, the removal of barriers between sub-sectors of the financial sector, the creation of a single speculative and financial space contributed to the smooth spread of the us mortgage crisis in 2007 throughout the global financial system and affected the economies of different countries, including Russia. The hypothesis of unjustified separation between the real and financial sectors of the Russian economy indicates the threat of destruction of the real sector. In order to create linkages between sectors, it is necessary to identify the reasons for their gap in order to develop a set of measures for their formation. Data and Metods: To identify the causes of the gap between the sectors under study, the author used General scientific research methods, as well as methods of comparative and systemic analysis, the theory of innovative development and management. The complex methodological framework allows to justify practical solutions for their elimination. The objective and endogenous reasons for the separation of the studied sectors of Russia should include the features of the domestic economy; the refusal of the real sector from the loan on the basis of the policy of self-financing, as well as banks to lend to small businesses. The subjective-objective and subjective-subjective nature of the subjective cause of the sector gap is manifested in the political will embodied as an American-centric model of globalism and the political style of domestic actors aimed at the destruction of the real sector. The article presents the key exogenous reasons for the gap in the sectors of the economy under the sanctions: the fall in energy prices, the ban on access to external sources of financing and technology for enterprises. Analys of Results: The significant consequences of the separation of the real and financial sectors of the economy on the basis of the designated reasons for their separation is the destruction of the real sector and the transformation of Russia into a digital colony with the consolidation of the rent-raw economic model. The system methodological approach makes it possible to study the real and financial sectors on the basis of the law of controllability and the principle of hierarchy. The law of necessary diversity acts with the active role of the state in the application of fiscal and monetary policy measures for the expanded reproduction of the real sector and the formation of relationships between the sectors in question, long-term financing mechanisms based on the new technological structure.
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Keywords: the separation hypothesis, the relationship, the real sector, the financial sector, the national economy.
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UDC 330.101.541
The reasons for the separation of the real and financial sectors
of the national economy of Russia
Introduction: At the present stage, the separation of the real and financial sectors is confirmed as in the world economy, which can cause the crisis development of the Russian economy. Thus, the removal of barriers between sub-sectors of the financial sector, the creation of a single speculative and financial space contributed to the smooth spread of the us mortgage crisis in 2007 throughout the global financial system and affected the economies of different countries, including Russia. The hypothesis of unjustified separation between the real and financial sectors of the Russian economy indicates the threat of destruction of the real sector. In order to create linkages between sectors, it is necessary to identify the reasons for their gap in order to develop a set of measures for their formation. Data and Metods: To identify the causes of the gap between the sectors under study, the author used General scientific research methods, as well as methods of comparative and systemic analysis, the theory of innovative development and management. The complex methodological framework allows to justify practical solutions for their elimination. The objective and endogenous reasons for the separation of the studied sectors of Russia should include the features of the domestic economy; the refusal of the real sector from the loan on the basis of the policy of self-financing, as well as banks to lend to small businesses. The subjective-objective and subjective-subjective nature of the subjective cause of the sector gap is manifested in the political will embodied as an American-centric model of globalism and the political style of domestic actors aimed at the destruction of the real sector. The article presents the key exogenous reasons for the gap in the sectors of the economy under the sanctions: the fall in energy prices, the ban on access to external sources of financing and technology for enterprises. Analys of Results: The significant consequences of the separation of the real and financial sectors of the economy on the basis of the designated reasons for their separation is the destruction of the real sector and the transformation of Russia into a digital colony with the consolidation of the rent-raw economic model. The system methodological approach makes it possible to study the real and financial sectors on the basis of the law of controllability and the principle of hierarchy. The law of necessary diversity acts with the active role of the state in the application of fiscal and monetary policy measures for the expanded reproduction of the real sector and the formation of relationships between the sectors in question, long-term financing mechanisms based on the new technological structure.
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Keywords: the separation hypothesis, the relationship, the real sector, the financial sector, the national economy.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2019-12-2-66-73