About the issue
June 2019 (published: 26.06.2019)
Number 2(37)
Aboutinnovative development of the Russian Federation and
the People’s Republic of China
Vasilenok V.L., Gulyaeva K.S. , Korobova E.A.
Abstract. Introduction. In the context of globalization, qualitative economic growthand competitiveness are impossible without the innovative development of the country.The People’s Republic of China has a successful experience in building an innovative economy, which was originally based on the creation of special economic zones, therefore, the study of innovative profiles of China and Russia will help to identify the prerequisites for the creation of innovative economies of both countries, as well as ways of their development. Data and Methods. The study is based on the use of statistical data of OECD, WIPO, etc., as well as the use such scientific research methods as analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization. Analysis of Results. The article examines the innovative development of the country as a condition of economic growth, the theoretical aspects of the formation of innovative economy and key indicators for assessing the innovative potential in the framework of resource and result approaches.The factors that ensured the country's position as a world leader in R&D were highlighted. There are such factors as gaining access to Western markets; human capital; financing system with participation of both government and business; stimulation of high-class specialists by salaries of world-class scientists; effective system of knowledge transfer to final technologies and products. Most of the mechanisms used in China to support high-tech companies have been actively used in Russia for a long time, but the speed of Russia's economy transformation to an innovative development path is significantly different from the Chinese one, therefore, the directions in the model of innovative development that require changes were identified, as well as the path of innovative development of Russia, based on the use of its own scientific and technical potential for the creation of high-tech goods and services. The innovation potential of both countries was also evaluated using the Global Innovation Index (GII).Further development of Russia's innovative infrastructure can solve the problem of commercialization of innovation projects, and investment of "long" money in the real sector of the economy combined with lower interest rates can stimulate technological renovation.
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Keywords: innovation development, innovation potential, innovation economy, the global innovation index, government policy, special economic zones.
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Aboutinnovative development of the Russian Federation and
the People’s Republic of China
Abstract. Introduction. In the context of globalization, qualitative economic growthand competitiveness are impossible without the innovative development of the country.The People’s Republic of China has a successful experience in building an innovative economy, which was originally based on the creation of special economic zones, therefore, the study of innovative profiles of China and Russia will help to identify the prerequisites for the creation of innovative economies of both countries, as well as ways of their development. Data and Methods. The study is based on the use of statistical data of OECD, WIPO, etc., as well as the use such scientific research methods as analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization. Analysis of Results. The article examines the innovative development of the country as a condition of economic growth, the theoretical aspects of the formation of innovative economy and key indicators for assessing the innovative potential in the framework of resource and result approaches.The factors that ensured the country's position as a world leader in R&D were highlighted. There are such factors as gaining access to Western markets; human capital; financing system with participation of both government and business; stimulation of high-class specialists by salaries of world-class scientists; effective system of knowledge transfer to final technologies and products. Most of the mechanisms used in China to support high-tech companies have been actively used in Russia for a long time, but the speed of Russia's economy transformation to an innovative development path is significantly different from the Chinese one, therefore, the directions in the model of innovative development that require changes were identified, as well as the path of innovative development of Russia, based on the use of its own scientific and technical potential for the creation of high-tech goods and services. The innovation potential of both countries was also evaluated using the Global Innovation Index (GII).Further development of Russia's innovative infrastructure can solve the problem of commercialization of innovation projects, and investment of "long" money in the real sector of the economy combined with lower interest rates can stimulate technological renovation.
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Keywords: innovation development, innovation potential, innovation economy, the global innovation index, government policy, special economic zones.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2019-12-2-50-65