About the issue
June 2019 (published: 26.06.2019)
Number 2(37)
Implications of reduced human capital in tertiary education
Alpatov G.Е.
Abstract. Introduction: The article considers the connection of the wave-like process of reducing graduates of higher education and adequate actions of the Russian government to reduce the number of faculty members and the number of universities after 2012. The new economic policy was large enough not to cause qualitative changes in the higher education system. Data and Metods: As a research method, an economic analysis of statistical data of quantitative changes in the main indicators of higher school activity is used to identify the transition to a new quality. The new economic policy was large enough and it caused qualitative changes in the higher education system. From 2012 to 2018 the number of university teachers decreased by one third, the universities themselves were reduced from 818 to 500, the number of students was reduced from 7050 to 4245 thousand people. The main task of the government was to reduce the state budget funding of higher education. The article critically analyzes the selected methods of reduction: "Effective contract" and the reduction of control numbers of admission. Analys of Results: The transition to the annual competitive selection increased the intensity of scientific work in the short term, but there was a targeted shift towards the fulfillment of formal indicators on which employment began to depend on after 2012.The study found the disease of short-termness as a result of the introduction of annual contracts instead of perpetual hiring. The disease manifested itself in the violation of the process of reproduction of human capital in the industry and the destruction of small cooperatives of scientific labor that forming scientific schools, in the increasing emigration of scientists, in the perception of work in universities as unpromising and reducing the number of post graduate students. The staff was not only reduced, but its reproduction was destroyed. The article provides an assessment of the consequences of the transition to funding from the state budget per student instead of the former funding of the organization. It is concluded that it is necessary to introduce the institute of retraining in exchange for the elimination of lagging students, which reduces funding. In conclusion, new long-term threats to the reduction of universities and their professors from the steady growth of individual distance learning are shown.
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Keywords: higher education, university financing, distance learning, human capital.
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UDC 334+378.1
Implications of reduced human capital in tertiary education
Abstract. Introduction: The article considers the connection of the wave-like process of reducing graduates of higher education and adequate actions of the Russian government to reduce the number of faculty members and the number of universities after 2012. The new economic policy was large enough not to cause qualitative changes in the higher education system. Data and Metods: As a research method, an economic analysis of statistical data of quantitative changes in the main indicators of higher school activity is used to identify the transition to a new quality. The new economic policy was large enough and it caused qualitative changes in the higher education system. From 2012 to 2018 the number of university teachers decreased by one third, the universities themselves were reduced from 818 to 500, the number of students was reduced from 7050 to 4245 thousand people. The main task of the government was to reduce the state budget funding of higher education. The article critically analyzes the selected methods of reduction: "Effective contract" and the reduction of control numbers of admission. Analys of Results: The transition to the annual competitive selection increased the intensity of scientific work in the short term, but there was a targeted shift towards the fulfillment of formal indicators on which employment began to depend on after 2012.The study found the disease of short-termness as a result of the introduction of annual contracts instead of perpetual hiring. The disease manifested itself in the violation of the process of reproduction of human capital in the industry and the destruction of small cooperatives of scientific labor that forming scientific schools, in the increasing emigration of scientists, in the perception of work in universities as unpromising and reducing the number of post graduate students. The staff was not only reduced, but its reproduction was destroyed. The article provides an assessment of the consequences of the transition to funding from the state budget per student instead of the former funding of the organization. It is concluded that it is necessary to introduce the institute of retraining in exchange for the elimination of lagging students, which reduces funding. In conclusion, new long-term threats to the reduction of universities and their professors from the steady growth of individual distance learning are shown.
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Keywords: higher education, university financing, distance learning, human capital.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2019-12-2-36-41