About the issue
December 2018 (published: 27.12.2018)
Number 4(35)
Development of the concept of digital transformation of the system of management
of social and economic advancement of the far north region
Zajchenko I.M. , Smirnova A.M. , Sharonova A.D.
Abstract. The necessity is substantiated of realization of digital transformation and introduction of advanced information technologies in the system of management of social and economic development of the Far North regions in the article. In accordance with the adopted by the state program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation» by the Russian Federation, at present the transition to a digital basis for management of not only advanced manufacturing enterprises, but also the socio-economic development of individual regions and territories is carried out. Considering that recently close attention of both state authorities and individual researchers has been paid to the development of the northern territories, the regions of the Far North have been chosen as the object of research as an area where innovative approaches to management are least used. The comparative analysis is carried out and the classification of the basic tools of digital transformation of control systems of the region is made, their advantages and disadvantages are revealed. Based on the application of the classical balanced scorecard as one of the most modern and visual business management tools, as well as the previously discussed tools for digitalization of management systems, the general scheme for the implementation of the digital transformation of the system for managing the social and economic development of the Far North is presented. It is a set of regional indicators, consisting of both economic and non-economic indicators. The possible risks arising during the transition period of the digital transformation of managerial processes are identified and described. The result of the work is the development of a general concept of a set of regional indicators for the development of the Far North regions based on the application of a balanced scorecard in the digital transformation of the economy.
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Keywords: digital economy, Regions of Far North, system of regional indicators, digital transformation of economy, innovative technologies.
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UDC 338.1
Development of the concept of digital transformation of the system of management
of social and economic advancement of the far north region
Abstract. The necessity is substantiated of realization of digital transformation and introduction of advanced information technologies in the system of management of social and economic development of the Far North regions in the article. In accordance with the adopted by the state program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation» by the Russian Federation, at present the transition to a digital basis for management of not only advanced manufacturing enterprises, but also the socio-economic development of individual regions and territories is carried out. Considering that recently close attention of both state authorities and individual researchers has been paid to the development of the northern territories, the regions of the Far North have been chosen as the object of research as an area where innovative approaches to management are least used. The comparative analysis is carried out and the classification of the basic tools of digital transformation of control systems of the region is made, their advantages and disadvantages are revealed. Based on the application of the classical balanced scorecard as one of the most modern and visual business management tools, as well as the previously discussed tools for digitalization of management systems, the general scheme for the implementation of the digital transformation of the system for managing the social and economic development of the Far North is presented. It is a set of regional indicators, consisting of both economic and non-economic indicators. The possible risks arising during the transition period of the digital transformation of managerial processes are identified and described. The result of the work is the development of a general concept of a set of regional indicators for the development of the Far North regions based on the application of a balanced scorecard in the digital transformation of the economy.
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Keywords: digital economy, Regions of Far North, system of regional indicators, digital transformation of economy, innovative technologies.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2018-11-4-106-114