Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2018 (published: 21.06.2018)

Number 2(33)

Home > Issue > Innovation management policy and regional innovation system in Georgia

UDC 330.34

Innovation management policy and regional innovation system in Georgia

Maridashvili M. , Meparishvili D.

Abstract. This article investigates the concept and development process of Innovation Management and Regional Innovation system (RIS), also the application of RIS in Georgia. Characteristics of RIS are introduced. The research object is Regional Innovation System and Innovation policy in Georgia. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems that hinder of development innovation management policy in Georgia. Both, deductive and inductive methods are used. Regional Innovation System (RIS) is a new model for regional development and it could be a new means for a balanced economic development in a nation. Regional Innovation System is the model of grouping of the various business subjects and institutions based on the comparative advantages, the main goal of which, ineffective use and development of the physical and social infrastructures, natural and other material resources in given region and on this basis stimulation of the innovations and businesses for improvement of economic potential and competitiveness of the region. As the key elements of the Regional Innovation System there are regarded the public institutions (central, regional and local enterprises, universities, research institutes, special funds and business incubators, various supporting structures) stimulating innovation policies and foreign investors. The result of study identified that the following factors hinder innovation management development in the regions of Georgia: Non-consideration of the regional innovation system as a new model of regional development; Absence of the coordinating department implementing the innovation policy and relevant systematic vision; Absence of benchmarking and statistics of the regional innovation policy; Restricting effects of excessive vertical management. Etc. For the purpose of development of the innovation system in Georgia the following recommendations are given: Improvement of the innovation infrastructure through new technologies, research and development, development of the modern industrial clusters; Stimulation of all innovation components, including innovation products, innovation processes and innovative methods of organizations’ management; Support of instruments for mediator and collaboration between higher education, research centers, public sector institutions and small and medium enterprises (SME); Facilitation of practical application of the research results and creation of the innovation products / results; Improvement of effectiveness and productivity of the local enterprises; etc.

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Keywords: Innovation Management, Regional Innovation system, Innovation policy, innovation processes.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2018-11-2-81-90

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