Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2018 (published: 21.06.2018)

Number 2(33)

Home > Issue > Optimization of processes of transportation of construction products in order to increase the economic efficiency of the plant reinforced concrete structures

UDC 656.025

Optimization of processes of transportation of construction products in order to increase the economic efficiency of the plant reinforced concrete structures

Antipova T.N., Chekashkina R.N.

Abstract. The aim of this work is to develop mathematical models for optimizing transportation processes construction products, reinforced concrete structures and optimize the assignment of drivers to vehicles. These models allow us to maximize technician efficiency and minimize transportation costs. The object of research is precast concrete factory. Subjects research is the process of transporting the products of the plant of reinforced concrete structures and the process of appointing the drivers. The study used the methods of optimal decision making, in particular methods for solving linear programming problems using the software package Excel. The analysis of the structure of transport. Revealed that the operative (daily) may vary the construction site, where it is transported from the warehouses of reinforced concrete construction. Therefore, changing rates and plans transportation. This confirms the need for the development of a permanent computer-implemented model for the calculation of an optimal plan transport of products of plant concrete structures. Developed a permanent computer-implemented model of optimization of processes of transportation of building products allows to respond quickly to changes in the level of demand for concrete products, modify stocks, changes in tariffs of transport, changes in the number and location of users (construction sites), and minimizes total transport costs, and also helps to allocate drivers to vehicles so that the total effectiveness of their work was the highest. The developed model simple for practical use, universal and available to a wide range of users, that is can be applied to any business-related transportation. The availability of these models is primarily determined using the software package Excel.

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Keywords: optimization, efficiency, logistics, computer-implemented model, planning.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2018-11-2-3-11

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