Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2017 (published: 15.03.2017)

Number 1(28)

Home > Issue > Methodical questions of definition extensive and intensive character of financial resources

UDC 330.341.1

Methodical questions of definition extensive and intensive character of financial resources

Ovchinnikova L.A. , Kurbanov D.M.

Abstract. The growth of the company's products for a certain period of time there are: growth of production resources and improve the efficient use of these resources, due to the optimal ratio of extensive and intensive factors of production. In this case, the growth of the social product can be achieved, both through sustained growth and through the development of production. In this context, economic growth can be achieved both by quantitative and qualitative factors. The article provides a description of methodological issues of determining extensive (development of the enterprise involved in the production of more resources) and intensive (enterprise development through the improvement of existing production, involving relatively smaller amount of resources) of financial resources and analysis of managerial decisions on intensification of production; an example of development of innovative activity of the enterprise, given its intensive-extensive factors influencing the implementation of the plan of work, calculated the economic effect from innovation activity. The dependence on the basis of correlation analysis between intensive and extensive factors of sustainable innovative growth and development of the enterprise taking into account the rules of «Golden section».

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Keywords: extensive and intensive nature of financial resources; management decisions; enterprise development with regard to its innovative activity; the effect of the intensity factors in the development of the enterprise.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2017-10-1-89-97

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