Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
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March 2017 (published: 15.03.2017)

Number 1(28)

Home > Issue > Ontology of the economy of the digital world: intergenerational specifics

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Ontology of the economy of the digital world: intergenerational specifics

Shestakova I.G.

Abstract. Due to the pervasive nature of the information and communication technologies and their implementation in all the pores of economic life, are undergoing radical change as a form of existence, of the economy and its being. All this takes place with unprecedented in previous historical epochs speed. That is what caused the simultaneous holding of three generations, the most important criterion is that the differences in the degree of involvement of the digital life: Speed generation, Aborigines of the previous pre-digital era, Generation of euphoria. These three generations – in this case, the conditional characteristic that depends on the perception and reality do not always coincide with the age division. For economic development understanding of the specifics of the actual three generations it was always, but today this understanding to make a significant emphasis associated with the perception of these generations and socio-cultural reality of their involvement in the digital being, and the ability to adapt and adopt the digital economic infrastructure. It is important to note that this division is unique and is temporary. It is characteristic only for our time, where the fact of the simultaneous existence of these three groups is unique. For the first time in history we are at a historical gap, where three generations staying at the same time, characterized not only by age but also by the degree of involvement in the digital being, consequently, the economy should turn to their "digital" specificity.

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Keywords: digital age, economy, the rate of progress, information communications, intergenerational specifics, adaptation.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2017-10-1-42-47

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