Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2017 (published: 15.03.2017)

Number 1(28)

Home > Issue > The need to strengthen the economy and sustainable rate of economic growth in Russia

UDC 378.14.015

The need to strengthen the economy and sustainable rate of economic growth in Russia

Vikulenko A.E.

Abstract. Opportunities to take the necessary effective economic and financial decisions for the country, because of uneven welfare distribution between different countries and regions of the world with only one in the world, the world's reserve currency (the dollar), which, as a result of the imposition of other countries as a common international payment system leading to default; consideration of factors need to develop and strengthen Russia's economic system and ensure its sustainable economic growth, protect its financial system from the global destruction of the dollar, and before or after the default; the need for record-keeping of money in a single national currency (rubles) to verify the source of its origin and the closure of the country's external financial boundaries; improvement of fiscal policy to ensure sustainable economic growth of Russia; strengthening the role of the Russian tax system and its impact on the efficiency of the national economy; accounting risks, ensuring economic freedom of economic entities are not offset by the state; permit workers employment problems in the innovative development of the country's economy; accounting objective and subjective measures for the development and prosperity of Russia.

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Keywords: the possibility of default global currency (the dollar); the need to strengthen the economy and ensure sustainable economic growth of Russia; consideration of the factors affecting the economic development of Russia.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2017-10-1-1-8

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