Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
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December 2016 (published: 12.12.2016)

Number 4(27)

Home > Issue > Trading topos in the space of digit: the ultimate expression of globalization

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Trading topos in the space of digit: the ultimate expression of globalization

Shestakova I.G.

Abstract. This article discusses the technical sverhvozmozhnosti digital space in the economy. Space figures erases the border areas, levels of national identity, blurs all the possible barriers, contrasting some other people - whether linguistic, religious, racial differentiation, prejudice or hostility between nations. Internet covers a large part of commercial services, where everything takes place entirely in other forms for the new millennia of human existence is reasonable. In fact, the scope of the sales and above underwent fairly profound changes, but we can assume that what is happening in today's reality, namely, the transition of trade in virtual space, there is something qualitatively different than those of transformation, which could be seen throughout human history. It is impossible to predict what it will respond. Will there be a shift of civilization, or the existence of a paradigm shift of the economy. With a certain probability we can only say that in the near future we expect even more radical change. Despite the fact that the development of info-communications means it accelerates the globalization of trade in the transition to the Internet, according to the author, it gives the ultimate expression of globalization.

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Keywords: economy, information and communication technologies, scientific and technological progress, the ontology of digital space, topos, globalization, online trade, economic structure.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2016-9-4-37-43

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