Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2016 (published: 20.06.2016)

Number 2(25)

Home > Issue > Development management techniques of the primary components of the enterprise marketing

UDC 339.338.6

Development management techniques of the primary components of the enterprise marketing

Chudesova G.P., Babunts R.V.

This article discusses the various components of the control methods of the product marketing of the enterprise sector and their adaptation to the objective problems. According to the high dynamics of changes in the market expert forecast could radically at variance with the facts. The situation calls for clear and meaningful strategies for assortment management emanating from changes in the macroeconomic, the actions of competitors and the fundamental objectives of the enterprise. During the economic crisis in Russia, the high volatility of the national currency, yielded only superficial to expert forecasts, which in most cases is far from reality, it is difficult to correctly estimate the future economics of the project in the case of an import (partially or completely) products. As a result, especially against the backdrop of foreign developments, it would be necessary to expect the best prospects for the implementation of the domestic product. This is a controversial topic. In any case, such a product, if the cost of a full cycle of its production may be denominated in rubles, can be described as the most economically stable. Accordingly, the potentials of the turnover and margins of imported goods / services at the moment, unfortunately, only be subject to an indicative assessment of parity in its correctness, forecasts of macroeconomic experts. The question arises: how to take a comprehensive and balanced decision on anti-crisis strategy of the organization in the framework of the imported product range?
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Keywords: Assortment, segmentation, analysis, monitoring of the market, profitability.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2016-9-2-87-91

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