About the issue
June 2016 (published: 20.06.2016)
Number 2(25)
The ontological foundation of the economy in the digital society
Shestakova I.G.
Abstract. In this paper, we focus on the ontological status of the modern economy, which today entirely depends on the specific information and communication technologies, which is an obvious feature of their significant impact on the operation of the economy, transforming it as a form of existence, and the essence. An obvious manifestation of this is to change the forms of existence of the economy: the displacement of the classic ways to trade, tied to a particular place of transaction, banks as a storage real money supply, conducting cash calculations with the help of robots and, in the long run, the transformation of the entire monetary and financial system (the most obvious example of the latter years – Bitcoin boom). The impact of digital technologies is subject to almost all manifestations of economic activity. Suffice it to mention the actual production activity, medicine, education, and management and administration of the system in both the public sector and in private companies. We will focus on the role of digital technology as a tool of monetary, financial and trading operations, as well as on the change of the ontological space trade, its transition to a digital existence. Infocomm Technology endow modern economy new essential feature – the openness of communications in their present form - becoming her "nervous system". In turn, the digital technology is a huge fast-growing part of the economy, marked by incredible opportunities superfast enrichment and instantaneous global distribution.
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Keywords: digital society, economy, information and communication technology, ontology, virtual space, globalization, electronic money, Internet economy.
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UDC 330.16+316.628.2
The ontological foundation of the economy in the digital society
Abstract. In this paper, we focus on the ontological status of the modern economy, which today entirely depends on the specific information and communication technologies, which is an obvious feature of their significant impact on the operation of the economy, transforming it as a form of existence, and the essence. An obvious manifestation of this is to change the forms of existence of the economy: the displacement of the classic ways to trade, tied to a particular place of transaction, banks as a storage real money supply, conducting cash calculations with the help of robots and, in the long run, the transformation of the entire monetary and financial system (the most obvious example of the latter years – Bitcoin boom). The impact of digital technologies is subject to almost all manifestations of economic activity. Suffice it to mention the actual production activity, medicine, education, and management and administration of the system in both the public sector and in private companies. We will focus on the role of digital technology as a tool of monetary, financial and trading operations, as well as on the change of the ontological space trade, its transition to a digital existence. Infocomm Technology endow modern economy new essential feature – the openness of communications in their present form - becoming her "nervous system". In turn, the digital technology is a huge fast-growing part of the economy, marked by incredible opportunities superfast enrichment and instantaneous global distribution.
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Keywords: digital society, economy, information and communication technology, ontology, virtual space, globalization, electronic money, Internet economy.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2016-9-2-48-55