Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
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March 2016 (published: 30.03.2016)

Number 1(24)

Home > Issue > On the state and groups of influence, their ability to provide macroeconomic stability: materials for the course classes «Modern economic concepts»

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On the state and groups of influence, their ability to provide macroeconomic stability: materials for the course classes «Modern economic concepts»

Shapiro N.A.

Abstract. The article is a concise presentation of the material on the topic of the research state and the interaction of elites within the course "Modern economic concepts," read by undergraduates management. We consider the basic concepts of the state, members of the body of institutional economics theories: the state as overbearing phenomenon as a hierarchy and the state as the political influence of the market, shows the role of the elites. According to the author, presented the concept make it possible to explain why the practice of public administration is not attainable ideal, providing the highest possible level of development and macroeconomic stability. We consider the practice of political influence in the struggle for rents between surveys of political elites and the state: the endogenous determination of economic policy, lobbying, logrolling, the economy of bureaucracy. The conclusion is that no matter how ineffective any state, its existence is preferable to no. The state provides security by protecting against external aggressors, and is opposed to anarchy, maintaining a certain order inside. In order to maintain macroeconomic stability is important to maintain a balance of interests between citizens and elites within the state.

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Keywords: State of the elite, the failures of the state, social contract theory of social choice, political influence market.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2016-9-1-165-173

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