Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2016 (published: 30.03.2016)

Number 1(24)

Home > Issue > Analysis of economic and environmental aspects of the use of heat pumps for disposal of low-grade heat treatment facilities

UDC 620.92:662.997

Analysis of economic and environmental aspects of the use of heat pumps for disposal of low-grade heat treatment facilities

Didikov А.Е.

Abstract. The paper analyzes the economic and environmental aspects of the use of heat pumps (HP) in the heating systems of rural settlement. A comparative economic analysis of the use of traditional and alternative sources of heat. To improve the ecological - economic indicators of heat supply system, as a source of low-grade heat, invited to use the waste water treatment facilities. Based on an analysis of published data, there are economic and environmental possibilities of the use of heat pump installations, both in Russia and abroad. On the basis of the technical - economic indicators of the project of reconstruction of treatment facilities of domestic waste, defined technical and ecological - economic opportunities for the use of TH in the heating system of rural settlement Zaporozhye, Leningrad Oblast. The study met the technical, economic and environmental calculations. The results are economically justify the possibility of using heat pumps as part of the problem with a payback period of about two years. The proposed scheme will increase the environmental performance of heating project will reduce CO2 emissions and improve the ecological state of the atmosphere in Russia.

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Keywords: Ecological - economic aspects, environmental problems, the heating system

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2016-9-1-92-98

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