Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2015 (published: 02.12.2015)

Number 4(23)

Home > Issue > Methods of the customer service process management on industrial enterprises

Methods of the customer service process management on industrial enterprises

Borodulina S.A. , Shimokhin A.V.

Abstract. The article shows the urgency of improving the repair system of equipment, based on the expertise of repair services. The structure of such organizations is not correct to provide the desired amount of orders. Currently, firms providing such services, can not carry out repairs in full, which requires businesses. The Russian government has also imposed restrictions on foreign purchase of spare parts and equipment. It is therefore necessary to maintain and develop maintenance services of domestic enterprises. The advantages of the process approach in the management of companies operating in the market of service repair services in modern conditions. The article describes the structure of the common organization of the repair service, emphasize disadvantages in costs associated with little used area and underused equipment. The structure of service, based on a centralized system maintenance, quality management principles and specialization of service teams, as well as the possible positive effects of the implementation of such a structure. It performs a functional simulation of the proposed structure of service and the basic processes performed in it. Considered in detail the process of planning schedules repairs. This article substantiates the application of hourly wages and bonuses in customer service. We also examined the possibility alternatives of the liberated resources use in repair service.

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Keywords: process management, business process, system preventive maintenance, equipment repair organization, specialization, industry, supporting processes, organizational structure, outsourcing.

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