Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2015 (published: 02.12.2015)

Number 4(23)

Home > Issue > The modern approach to the study of the role and the convergence of the real and financial sectors

UDC 330.4

The modern approach to the study of the role and the convergence of the real and financial sectors

Zueva O.A.

Abstract. In this paper the author systematized two main approaches to the study of nature and the relationship of the real and financial sectors of the economy; It offered a traditional approach, based on the views of scholars such as G. Wilson, V. Bedzhgot, M. Virt, R. Hilferding, S. Jevons, S. Zhyuglar, K. Perez, D. Ricardo, J. B. Seius, J. Sismondi, F. Tooke, M. Evans, K. Kautsky, V. Katasonov, V. Lenin, A. Manuylov, K. Marx, M. Tugan-Baranovsky, I.D. Afanasenko, T. G. Brodskaya, D. Miropolsky, O. Molchanova, V. Burlachkov, A. Navoi, O. Zueva , A.Gorovoy and hypothesis and the priority of the real sector of the financial and the relationship between them; It analyzes the current approach, based on ideas of such scientists as S. Strange, H. Minsky, B. Chick, B. Emunds, C. Zinn, E. Altvater, R. Binswanger, M. Gutman, A. Galetovik, G. Gourley, J . Olivier, E. Shaw, H. Hesse, B. Braasch, G. Tobin, J. Stiglitz, M. Heine, H. Herr, H. Tietmeyer and hypothesis and the priority of the financial sector over the real divergence (separation) between them; disclosure of the nature of such categories as «productive capital», «material and immaterial carriers advanced capital»; proposed strategy for technical - economic re-industrialization of the real economy of Russia on the basis of the organization of the convergence of high-tech sub-sector and the financial sector.

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Keywords: methodological approach, the traditional approach, a modern approach, convergence, divergence, real sector, financial sector, high-tech sub-sector, re-industrialization, the global financial crisis

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