Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2015 (published: 14.09.2015)

Number 3(22)

Home > Issue > Logistic priorities of management of economic communications at the enterprises of pulp and paper industry

UDC 339.182

Logistic priorities of management of economic communications at the enterprises of pulp and paper industry

Klunko A.N.

Abstract. This article is devoted tothe establishment of logistics management priorities economic ties in the pulp and paper industry. There are Arguments in favor of the need to strengthen the role of logistics management at the enterprises of the industry. The article gives a detailed critical assessment of the current state of the pulp and paper industry (PPI). It is shown that the management of logistics cooperation in this sector for its business is less important than improving the quality of pulp and paper products.It is stated the tendency to accelerate structural change in the industry. It is proved that it is not connected with the intensification of the transfer of pulp and paper companies to outsource in-house processes, and with the desire to separate management of the industry to conduct their financial recovery. Specificity of the negative consequences of outsourcing practices in the pulp and paper industry. It is characterized by the specific risks arising from outstanding to suppliers of outsourcing services. The article describes the reasons for the lack of high rates of use of logistics enterprises of pulp and paper. This article also substantiates determinants of complexity management of economic relations in enterprises sector, and their features are disclosed. There is a growingrelevance of integrated planning and supply chain logistics of controlling the use of modern information technologies in the pulp and paper mills. The article provides a list of the invariant logistics management priorities economic ties in manufacturing plants.

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Keywords: flexibility; configuration of supply chains; logistics; reference model of the supply chain; sales network; strategy; supply chain management; economic ties; pulp and paper mills.

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