Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2015 (published: 14.09.2015)

Number 3(22)

Home > Issue > Usage of logarithmic function for constructing a sustainable development model of industrial companies

UDC 338.1

Usage of logarithmic function for constructing a sustainable development model of industrial companies

Sergeeva I.G. , Dukhanina D.O.

The article examines thefactors that determine the sustainability of the industrial company in the conditions of economic globalization and increasing competition, the authorsdiscuss the various definitions of sustainable development and sustainability of the company. For creating asustainable development model of the company the authors apply mathematical methods that take into account the impact of external and internal factors on ensuring the sustainability. Mathematical methods are used to solve formalized problems of the company. The basis of mathematical methods and models is the usage of a production function that captures the relationship between the production factors and the obtained result. The authors point out the necessityforthe study of mathematical functions that are suitable for determining the dependence of specific production functions.             Later inthe article the area of application of the two logarithmic functions as a production function is defined.  Each of these models has a set of specific properties, and as a result the index of production output is simulated.In addition, the second model analyzes not only the ratio of "input - output", but also profit of the company. The resulting transformation model can simulate different forms of relationship between the productive resources. The study identifies the possibility of using a logarithmic function for the analysis of statistical data of the company.
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Keywords: sustainable development, sustainable development models, mathematical methods, production function, logarithmic function, dynamic coefficients.

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