Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2015 (published: 14.09.2015)

Number 3(22)

Home > Issue > Indicators, tendencies and factors of economic development of a business in the Russian Federation

UDC 330.34

Indicators, tendencies and factors of economic development of a business in the Russian Federation

Mokhnatkina E.V. , Golubev A.A.

  In article the analysis of indicators and factors of economic development is presented. The most important indicators of macroeconomic development are allocated. The analysis of change of these indicators for the Russian Federation from 2010 for 2013 is made; conclusions about the main tendencies of economic development of the country during this period are drawn. On the basis of the analysis of literature the most important indicators of mesoeconomic development are allocated. The analysis of these indicators for the most and the least innovatively active regions of Russia from 2009 for 2012 is made. The analysis of indicators of microeconomic development is made. On the basis of the analysis of literature factors of economic development are formed. The role of innovative participation as key factor of economic development on micro, meso - and macrolevel is defined.
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Keywords: economic development; indicators of economic development; factors of economic development; innovations; innovative participation.

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